I have been struggling this year because I have been mostly bedbound due to a pressure sore. I got this horrible sore because my wheelchair cushion deflated, I didn't know about it, and when the sore finally surfaced, it was a nightmare! So, out of the 88 days of 2021, I have been stuck in bed for 68 of them! That's over two months' worth!
I'd love to be out and about again, finding random Pokémon! |
Finally, I found a solution to my biggest problem: A wheelchair cushion that not only prevents future pressure sores, but HEALS CURRENT ONES! Check out the video here.
This invention will improve my quality of life SO much! The only caveat is that it is almost $4000! It always feels a little awkward asking for monetary help, but I REALLY need it. I considered a bunch of different funding sites, but they all take a percentage of what you would donate to me, and I would rather not cut them in. Here are the various ways that you can donate:
[[Edit: I am simply blown away by everyone's generosity! Not only was I able to get the bare-bones version of my super duper fancy pants cushion, but I was able to meet some stretch goals – the warranty, the remote control, the special backpack, and an extra seat cover! I will also be able to swing the tax and shipping with no problem! Wow! The outpouring of support is just… Seriously, I don't have any words! All I can say is thank you so much to everyone who helped out by contributing and/or sharing and/or by saying super nice things about me! I am beyond touched!]]
Last 4 digits of her phone # for Venmo is 1272